
Spinach (español: espinacas) is a leafy green flowering plant whose leaves are consumed cooked or raw. Spinach is a good source of VITAMIN C, IRON, POTASSIUM, VITAMIN E, and MAGNESIUM. The possible health benefits of consuming spinach include blood glucose control, lower risk of cancer, and improved bone health. As part of a nutritious diet, it can help support immune function,…

Vitamin A (Retinol, Retinoic Acid)

Plant foods that are rich in beta-carotene, such as green leafy vegetables, carrots and cantaloupe are a good source of Vitamin A. Your body converts beta-carotene into Vitamin A. Vitamin A (retinol, retinoic acid) is a nutrient important to vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity. Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances…


Cherries contain antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. These support a healthy system and may reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.

Cilantro (Coriander)

Cilantro is especially rich in Vitamin K, which aids in healthy blood clotting.


Carrots get their bright orange color from beta carotene, an antioxidant that your body converts into vitamin A.

Guava (Guayaba)

I had just moved to Guadalajara, Mexico, when I tasted my first guayaba. I was hooked. When ripe, the guayaba, or guava, is very sweet and delicious, peeling, seeds and all. Just wash and eat it like an apple. They are also made into a popular candy called ate. (pronounced ah-tay). Guayabate is one of my favorite sweets.


Particularly high in Vitamin A, zucchini also contains a variety of minerals, antioxidants, and other vitamins.


Asparagus is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It is a good source of Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Thiamine, and Fiber.


Apricots are extremely nutritious and have many health benefits, such as improved digestion and eye health.